Reasonable Adjustments!

Neurodiversity at Work: Reasonable Adjustments!

Handy tips: Reasonable adjustments shouldn't be a box-ticking exercise.

Yes, there are absolutely people that need very specific changes to be put in place to allow them to access that interview but for a lot of people who are neurodiverse, they're never going to tick a box that has reasonable adjustments next to it, I'm not!

However they may want some adjustments to the process like an extension of the time to complete the test, or they may want the questions up front to the interview because if you're like me and you're ADHD and your minds going trrrrrrrr...

Something to help my mind to focus is not only better for me as the candidate, but it's also better for the interviewer, who will have a better experience because they're getting the information that they need.

Have you ever had somebody come along and on paper they're amazing, but when they walk through the door they completely go off chart, and you have no idea what they're talking about.

They need to have focus they need to be able to understand the requirements of the job and what you're asking them for and just by giving them a bit of extra time that can really help at the beginning of the process.

You may say, yes but Theo you'd have to give it to everyone!

Yes that’s okay, give people the option of extra time so reasonable adjustments don't have to be complex, actually, they can be really simple, you just have to be open-minded to hearing them and let candidates know you just want to get the best out of them.

So you'll be open to hearing what you can offer, to give them the best experience and to show their skills, because ultimately that's what we want from an interview process.

Somebody to have a great experience and to show their skills for the job we are interviewing them for.

Simples ;O)


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